

Anger ranking quiz: heart attack risk test

Copyright 1997           Copyright 1997 Cox News Service

(July 26, 1997 10:27 a.m. EDT) -- Harvard researchers used this quiz to
rank anger levels of 1,300 people in a study of temper and heart risks. To
gauge your "anger ranking," give yourself one point for each "true" answer
to questions 1-15 and one point for a "false" answer to question 16.

  1. At times I feel like swearing.
  2. At times I feel like smashing things.
  3. Often I can't understand why I have been so irritable and grouchy.
  4. At times I feel like picking a fist fight with someone.
  5. I easily become impatient with people.
  6. I am often said to be hotheaded.
  7. I am often so annoyed when someone tries to get ahead of me in a line
     of people that I speak to that person about it.
  8. I have at times had to be rough with people who were rude or annoying.
  9. I am often sorry because I am so irritable and grouchy.
 10. It makes me angry to have people hurry me.
 11. I am very stubborn.
 12. Sometimes I get so angry and upset I don't know what comes over me.
 13. I have gotten angry and broken furniture or dishes when I was drinking.
 14. I've become so angry with someone that I have felt as if I would
 15. I've been so angry at times that I've hurt someone in a physical fight.
 16. I almost never lose self-control.

Ranking grades:

0-1: Low risk -- about what an average person faces

2-4: 2.7 times the risk of having an anger-induced heart attack than the
average person

5-14: 3.5 times the risk of an average person

Source: Harvard School of Public Health

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