

Hi Nicole I take Effexor and don't really know why.  Psychiatrist says I am
depressed so after Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac, I am trying Effexor and I seem to
be able to sleep better but feel tired a bit.  Careful to consult your
psychiatrist if you stop - much nausea.  You're very young to have PD - did
they say why such as depression and/or stress?  Have not started meds for PD
yet - leery of comments on List by patients.  You?
Not on holistic approach - hope it works for you.  Reply?  Flo  59/2
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At 09:54 AM 7/27/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Greetings List.......I am about to try yet ANOTHER
>anti-depressant........(the others have all either made me feel like a
>walking Zombie or that my head is about to explode.....)  Has anyone tried
>Effexor?   I was wandering if there were any folks out there who might like
>or dislike it....(I know they exist on other  issues.....haha)....Now for
>Part Two........I would love to correspond with anyone who has taken a
>natural or holistic approach to daily disease survival......I dont mean
>forsaking Sinemet, etc but following a diet and exercise regime that benefits
>them......I am going to be 37 next month and I am tired of feeling like
>97......Thanks for your time................Nicole Antonia..........