

Ken Rowlands queried the suitability of Mr Ali as a representative
and spokeman for PWP, on the grounds that his PD is somehow
diminished because his years in the ring have 'scrambled' his brains.

Whilst I accept that the uninformed may form the opinion that the
syptoms of PD are the signs of 'scrambled' brains, I am amazed to
hear such a view from a member of this list.  Even if true, and Mr
Ali's PD was the result of years of blows to the head, what would
it matter.  To suggest that there are acceptable and unacceptable
ways of contracting PD is only a short step from the laughable
concept of 'innocent' victims of disease, which implies that some
people are 'guilty' (of what?) and deserve what is happening to them.

We all make lifestyle choices. As fallible humans some of our choices
will result in injury and disease.  If there is guilt in a failure to
the outcome of some of our choices,  I suggest we are all guilty.

There are enough real divisions in the world without us inventing more.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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