

From: Tebay, Wendy M on Mon, Jul 21, 1997 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: HP-200
To: PD Listserv Postings

Somewhere at home I have info (over a year old) from Southern Illinois
U regarding their study on fava beans (which contain dopamine and from
which HP-200 is probably derived).  At the time I received this info,
they were just preparing to begin animal studies.  This research was
sponsored by the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM), a relatively
new branch of the NIH.  The practice of using fava beans to treat pd
symptoms is taken from Ayurvedic medicine, which is an Indian system
of medicine, based primarily on diet, herbs, body types, etc.  It's no
surprise that India is the first country to have this drug on the
market.  Personally, I would like to see some of the research money to
be obtained from the Udall Bill going to the research of alternative
treatments for pd, including acupuncture, herbs, detoxification
regimes, etc., and not just to traditional western, high tech,
expensive modalities.

Wendy Tebay