


Gee, Ivan...  NEON GREEN ropes?   Somehow I don't see bright neon green as
being CONDUCIVE to sleep, even tho the rope might do the trick in helpin' ya
turn (uhhhhh.... or do other things) <wee smirk> Well... at least you're
assured of SEEING them neon green ropes no matter how dark the night is! <LOL>

Huggles atcha, Ivan....

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Ivan M Suzman
Sent:   Friday, July 25, 1997 6:17 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Kinky ropes/turning in bed

^^^^^^GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses  65  deg. sunny and windy

On Thu, 24 Jul 1997 02:33:27 -0400 Marvin Giles <[log in to unmask]>
>I've never really hated any thing, until now.
>If you like spending every moment by the clock
>I suppose you could say my days are acceptable......


I hooked up two mountain-climbers" ropes with knots every 10 inches onto
"D-handles" (sort of  like a hitching post handle to tie up a horse)
nearby the foot of my bed, one on each side.

I flip the ropes up onto my bed so I can grasp them even when my strength
is failing, and pull myself around.

The ropes are neon green like the color of a deep sea fish...

Usually, people glance at my bedroom and wonder if i'm into something
"kinky"--well, that's another story.....

I tease them about it and keep them guessing and finally tell them the
ropes are for rolling around in bed.
Keep smiling,

Ivan  cureit@

