


You wrote:
>> The second engineer nodded approvingly "Good choice,
>> the clothes probably wouldn't have fit.

I obviously went to the wrong engineering school. I had
female engineering classmates that would never have given up
the bike and were very selective about who they tore their
cloths off for, but what would life be without fantasy. :-)

I hate to interject something halfway serious here, but it
plays into something that has been on my mind. The effects of
male hormones on PD symptoms and medication effectiveness.

We have somewhat addressed this topic for women here on the list,
so I'll put something forth to ponder. I would frequently study
under a favorite shade tree during summer sessions at university.

Everything would be going along nicely. I would be making great
progress completing those nerdy engineering assignments.
Along would come a well endowed yound lady in tank top and
short shorts. Mental capacity would be obliterated unlike the
sterotype in your joke. Testosterone can make pretty intelligent
men do some stupid things. This is both observation and experience.

I know you are saying, "so O.K. Phil you have stated the obvious".
Well what does testosterone do to those neurotransmitters to cause this
temporary dementia? What other neuro transmitters does it affect?

We lose muscle mass and tone in our forties as a result of reduction
in testosterone levels. I know we PD types are supposed to suffer
from hypotonia (sp?), but could appearance and severity of symptoms
also be related to this reduction in testosterone? Is this related
to the beneficial effects of exercise in relieving symptoms.

Some seem to have the urge to trade in loving companions for trophy
wives. So lower testosterone levels might also contribute to another
form of dementia - TDS (Testosterone Depletion Syndrome).
Maybe this is longer term.

Well Mary, thanks for your post. Brain storming - almost as good as

Phil G. 47/1+  [log in to unmask]