

hi don

you wrote:
>>word for the day
>> n.
>>[L. formicatio, fr. formicare to creep like an ant,
>>to feel as if ants were crawling on one's self,
>>fr. formica ant: cf. F.formication.] (Med.)
>>A sensation resembling that made by the creeping of ants on the skin.
>         are you mother of ginger and mat?
>                  [log in to unmask]        I.Y.Q.     lima,ohio

don, to a more suspicious person, this could sound like a trick question -
sort of related to the school-kids sick jokes [e.g. Q- What do you call a
guy with no arms and legs? A- Matt] but i'll give you the benefit of the
doubt. no, my children are not named ginger and mat. my residential
four-legged children are stubby, spud, spike and speckles.

is there anything i need to know?  ;-D

with love from your syber-sis
