

Ivan wrote:
<<I use combined Sinemet 25/100 and Sinemet CR (1300 mg L-dopa/24 hrs),
selegeline (eldepryl) 10mg/before 3PM, and  NADH (20.0 mg/24 hrs).

My local neuro has no one on pramipexole.  Nor is  anyone in my support group.>>

non-doctor comments:

you are taking 13 x 25 = 325 mg. of carbidopa. (this may be detrimental.)

unless there is some medicating during the night, there is no benefit (other
than drug company profit) to using the CR version. The efficiency of CR
absorbtion into blood is about 70% and varies.
The regular 10/100 or 25/250 meds are more efficient, less expensive, and you
could use one 10/100 every two hours from awakening to retiring with perhaps
better results than you have now.
this would be 800 mg. of levodopa if you are awake 16 to 18 hours. the 80 mg.
of carbidopa is optimal per the literature.

the selegiline hydrochloride is probably protective at much lower dose. the
benefit of serotonin increase and dopamine metabolism reduction is perhaps
optimum with one 5 mg. capsule taken in morning (or 5 mg.tablet taken as
halves morning and noon.

you are not taking an agonist per your listing, so pramipexole would seem to
be appropriate to try. It should allow reducing the levodopa amount some.

I am using three 25/250 carbidopa/levodopa genreic tablets as six doses of
halves at about 2.5-hour intervals with last half at about 7:30PM.  I have
started the Mirapex 0.125 mg. three times daily starting at noon on the 21st
of July when the mail brought the mail-order prescription to me. I have not
had much change notable yet, but I expect that the longer half-life of the
Mirapex should help smooth the peaks and valleys especially. My early morning
foot cramps have been lessened with little or no muscle spasm in my judgement
so far.

I would appreciate Jerry Starr (sp) or anyone messaging the Mirapex tablet
strengths and pricing information to the list. (the 100 0.125 mg. tabs were
$55 total with me paying $25 copayment part of that). I would also be very
interested in the typical bloodstream concentration of pramipexole during
testing of patients.

best wishes to all!  repeating cybersibling Janet's terrific quote:
It is well for people who think
to change their minds occasionally in order to keep them clean.
For those who do not think,
it is best to at least rearrange their prejudices once in a while.

Luther Burbank
ron      1936, dz PD 1984  Ridgecrest, California
Ronald F. Vetter <[log in to unmask]>