

When I don't send off humor to my various targets, I forget where I read
it; please forgive if this came from our list!  I thought the Seeses and
the Nistlers would appredciadte this especially.

     Three guys in a bar were whooping it up when one, a Texan threw a
bottle of tequila up in the air, pulled out a gun and shot it to
     The bartender was upset at this.  "Why in the world shoot a
perfectly good bottle of tequila?" he asked.
    "In Texas, we've got  lots of tequila.  It's no great loss," said the
    Not to be outdone, a Californian reaches across the bar, grabs an
expensivfe bottle of wine, throws it up in the air and shoots it.   Wine
sprays everywhere.
     Again the bartender objects.  "That's a lot of money and good wine
to waste."
     "We're swimming in wine in California.  What's one more bottle?"
      With that, an Oregonian (originallly a Seattleite) threw a bottle
of beer up in the air, shot the Californian and caught the bottle on the
way down, only to be questioned by the bartender as  to why he did it.
      "I'm from Oregon and we've got more Californians than we can
use--but I felt I should recycle this bottle."

Cheers, Kathy Kunz