

     I was referred to the acupuncturist by my MD.  She has also been
treated by the same acupuncturist (for nerve injury).  I consider myself
fortunate to have a family MD who combines the best of "Western" medical
science with some referrals to other healing traditions.  She also strongly
recommends that her patients carefully consider their diet and get regular
but non stressful exercise like walking, T'ai Chi, and Yoga.  My HMO
coverage includes some coverage for "alternative" medical treatments.
     If I was looking for an acupuncturist, I think that I would look for
one associated with a MD's office. In my local phone book, there are at
least two.
     My acupuncturist is licensed by the State of Washington and is
certified by the National Commission for the Certification of
Acupuncturists (NCCA).  She has a degree in Biology from the U.of CA and
received her diploma in classical Japanese healing methods from the
Kototama Institute in Santa Fe  NM.
     As far as walking (and other exercise go), my PD medications dealt
with some PD caused problems like cramping and that very very slow
movement. However, acupuncture seems to have made a significant
contribution to increasing my energy level.  I don't understand it, but the
acupuncturist has told me that she has primarily dealt with the points
associated with my liver and kidneys.  When I "pulled" a muscle while
exercising, she also dealt with that (without me using any medication, not
even aspirin or acetaminophen).  Right now we're working on muscle tension
caused by PD.