

Jacob, I am so glad you tired it, I sent the wrong file by accident and
sent one on Acetyl-L-Carnitine, someone was nice enought to catch my
error, but I never got back to sending the right file. L-carnitine is
vital for the heart, brain, and muscles. It helps with circulation to
these areas, by transporting fatty acids, plus it turns over RBC, oxidation
to the heart valves, and corrects errors mitochrodria DNA. If you read
the article in Scientic American(august) you would have a better understanding
of what I am talking about. You can get testing for carnitine deficiency,
but I couldn't waste time for my dad to begin this supplement, knowing his
symptoms. There is a drug(safe) called Carnitor, that is suppose to be
more effective, you can ask your doctor, plus insurance should cover it.
 Sometimes L-carnitine can be purchased with Pantethonic Acid included,
and it is an extra plus. I could see that my father was in trouble trying
to switch over to Miraplex, and I had to be sure that the heart was protected.
                         Best Wishes Linda Forrest's Mom
PS Den made this discovery a while back, maybe other too.

>This amino acid has made me feel so good. I recall someone posting a message
>to the list about this.
>Go to your local General Nutrition Center and get some. It CAN help.

>Jacob (26, '88)