

       My mom (80/6) for the last few years has been on Permax and
     Eldepryl. Everytime she tried Sinimet she experienced nausea and
     vomiting. Finally we were referred to a PD specialist in New York, Dr.
     Enrico Fazzini who told us about Motilium to relieve the nausea.
       At first we were skeptical about Motilium, especiallly since it is
     not approved by the FDA, and we would have to order it from Montreal.
     But after posting to this group and hearing from a number of other
     PD'ers who use Motilium (thank you Sonia from Denmark!), my mom gave
     it a try.
       And the results have been great! She no longer has any nausea and
     the Sinimet has been of great help. Her balance is much better and her
     stamina has been greatly enhanced. She has mentioned a small problem
     that she recently has noticed - the excess amount of Saliva/Phlegm
     that she finds in her mouth. She thinks that this has only started
     being a problem since the use of Sinimet. Anybody have any ideas?
       She has an appointment this Thursday with Dr. Fazzini to review her
     progress. She is looking forward to changing from Permax to Mirapex to
     even further her comeback. She hopes to one day be able to return to
     bicycle riding (which she did until age 73), but realistically will
     settle for being able to get on and off buses by herself to be more
     self sufficient.
       I want to thank everyone for all the great help you have been and
     hopefully will continue to be - both in informative news on medicines,
     and in daily inspiration of combatting PD. Thanks to Don, the Kens,
     the Barbs, Sonia once again, and all the rest of you. Keep up the
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