

Trish S...

Many thanks for thinking of me (and my soon-to-be-ex-roomie).  The prayers are
sure welcome!

Over many years I've come to the conclusion, Trish, that I'm blessed with a
fairly consistent "naturally UP" personality.  In fact, there've been times
when I felt I SHOULD be depressed for one reason or another and simply could
not sustain the feeling more than an hour or so.

A few years ago, I was feeling very blue (for ME, anyway), and went to see a
psychologist.   In his office, I told him I felt low, and he started to LAUGH!
  Boy, was I pissed!  "I'm SERIOUS," I stormed at him,  and when he could
finally stop laughing, he said, "Barb, your LOWS are the AVERAGE person's

He was right <smile>.

Barb Mallut
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Trish Scarmuzzi
Sent:   Tuesday, July 29, 1997 3:35 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: FW: FW: All Them Bodacious Barbs <grin>

Barb M.,
        I don't know how you've managed so well with all that's happened, and
maintain a positive outlook! My thoughts and prayers are with you (and of
 course, with your former roommate). Trish