

Hi Anne,
I was waking up at around every morning and could'nt get back to
My Neuro reckoned it was a sympton of depression and prescribed a light
anti depressant
drug called Amitriptyline Hydrochloride, 25mg. The brand name does'nt
matter, it's
the mixture that counts.  The dose instruction was one to three tablets
at night.  I
so far have only had to take one and have had a reasonable nights sleep.
Whatever you do don't take anything you read as a definite solution.
We are all individuals, with individual brains and what suits one may
not be right
for another.  I think a golden rule is, "Take as little drugs as
For the record my details. Age 66, DX Feb '93. Am on Permax 250micro,
and Madopar Tabs 100/25, supposed to be four times daily, but have to
vary all the time
to avoid "Involuntary Body Movements."  Don't forget the fact we're all
what happens to some does'nt mean it'll happen to you. Good luck.
Ronnie D, Melbourne, Australia.([log in to unmask])