

Sue Maltais wrote:
> In a message dated 97-07-29 08:26:24 EDT, you write:
> <<
>  I too would like to hear about natural remedies...I posted an inquiry
>  yesterday on the list requesting info specifically on St.John's wort, but
>  curiously no one out of 1300 has replied. >>
> I found some in N.J. at a GNC store in the mall.  I do not have PD, but I do
> know there was a discussion here about SJW not mixing well with some of the
> PD meds.  I can't tell if I notice any difference with the SJW, however I'm
> not typically depressed.  I have bad days tho', mostly because of financial
> pressures at the I was just hoping the SJW would lift my spirits
> on the days I feel like there's no light at the end of the tunnel...I've only
> been on it for a week.
> Sue, daughter of Rocky 74/18

SUE:  St.John's Wort is a natural antidepressant (weak inhibitor of MAO)
      There should be no problems with PD drugs with the possible
exception of Eldepryl and other antidepressants. My personal opinion is
that there is not a problem with Eldepryl for most people. You should
give it 2 to 3 weeks to show any improvement and 4 to 6 weeks for
maximum. The dose is usually 300mg three times daily. There have been
several favorable studies done.                 Jerry Starr, RPh