

Hi George,

I think it is important that we bitch a little (or a lot) once in a
while here.  I have written here about healthy and unhealthy denial and
while it is not productive to wallow in our misery there are a lot of
times that I feel miserable and damn it,  I have a right to feel sorry
for myself- when I am unable to go some place on my own,  when I wake up
at 4 AM with muscle cramps, When  I watch the woman I love burdened by
my lack of mobility.

George-,  You ask for words of wisdom.  The fact is that you and I and
the 1500 pwp on this list are living with (either themselves or through
someone we are close to ) a shitty illness that slowly robs us of
aspects of our being.  The only wisdom that I can impart is the fact
that knowing you are not alone and that others of us feel the same way
and understand what you are experiencing because we experience it too
sometimes makes a difference.

I think that I have gotten so active on the list because it permits me
to feel useful- that I am still able to help and relate to people at a
time in my life when I am losing so much physically and emotionally.  I
need to remind myself that I still have something to offer others and
while I have every right to feel overwhelmed with my losses I still have
things that I can contribute.
