

At 05:28 PM 8/3/97 -0400, Patrica wrote:

>  Also sexual details can be sexual
>education and the more you know, the more informed decisions you can make.

Wonderfully stated, and absolutely correct!

>  I've also waited because I was afraid nothing would change when I took
them and I >was afraid  of getting my hopes up.

Patrica, to paraphrase one of Shakespear's characters (beats me which one):
"Is it better to have tried and failed, than never have tried at all?".  I
view my condition as a "road less traveled by".  While I may not have
chosen to travel this road, now that I am on it, I am going to try to make
it as interesting as possible. And who knows; maybe I'll find what I want
on this road.  I sure didn't on my other road.
                                                                        Peace, John