

Hello all,

Sometime back some people were writing about grandchildren and whether or not to
let them see one's condition.

It is so funny sometimes with my 2 year old granddaughter.  She will be sitting
with me and my hand will begin to shake.  She will hold my hand until it stops.
 My 3.5 year old grandson loves when my leg goes because it is the best bouncy
horse as it does not get tired and want to stop.

Saturday last, while sitting with 5 of my 6 grandchildren (age 2 to 9) my leg
decided to begin the dystonia curl.  Soon my toes were turned under and the leg
was curling and I was in agony.  For the first time the left foot decided to toe
curl at the same time as the right (usually I only have it in the right side).
The children watched and suddenly the 7 year old grandson said I looked like I
had "monkey feet".   We all began laughing and soon my legs began to relax.  It
was ok.  It was ok that they were there with me as it happened.  Children are
amazing when you let them know what is happening.  I feel so lucky to know my
grandchildren and to be close to them.  I will not let PD or anything else come
between me and them.

don't forget how to laugh (if you have forgotten , find someone under 5 to help
you remember)
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