

Ervin McCarthy wrote:
"Does anyone have any knowledge of amentadine including side affects?"

Ervin -
   I gave Amantadine a try for a couple of months recently.  At first I
thought I saw a slight improvement in my tremor (my only symptom).  One side
effect, however, forced me to quit.  The constipation caused by the drug was
more than I could handle.  When I quit Amantadine my tremor remained the
same, so it evidently wasn't helping the symptom anyway.  I set the drug
aside.  Then, this past week-end, I ate something that didn't set well and
developed diarrea.  We were out of Imodium and I thought, "What am I going to
do?"  Ah ha! The Amantadine.  Sure enough.  Stopped the diarrea immediately.
 I'll keep it around for that reason.
   Others have had much more success than I had with Amantadine, and I do
think it is a fine drug.  The researchers don't understand how it works for
sure, but they suspect that it is probably neuroprotective (another reason I
wanted to take it).
Hopefully, some of the others will share their successful experience with
Joan (56/8)