

HI Edie,

Most of us who started Mirapex hav not had problems. What happened to
Peter could have happened with any of the PD meds especially the
agonists.  You are exchanging  1 agonist for another so I doubt you will
have problems.  Peter apparenly has had some dementia prior to starting
mirapex.  That increases the likelihood of hallucinations and Paranoia.
Be aware of the possiblity and let people around you know about the
possibility of mental status changes.  Good luck.

Also to Camilla-  I am convinced that this disease is even harder on the
caregivers than it is on us PWP.  My condolences go out to you and Peter
and I hope something else works.


Edie Luther. wrote:
> This news is just great! I'm supposed to start Mirapex on Saturday, at
> the
> same time reducing  Parlodel.  I now take one capsule (5 mg) and one
> tablet
> (2.5 mg) of
> Parlodel three times a day. To start, I am to take the one capsule of
> Parlodel and  one tablet of Mirapex (0.l25mg) three times a day for
> five
> days.  Then for the next five days, I am to stop the Parlodel and take
> two
> 0.l25 - then call my doctor.I'm, to put it mildly, scared to death!  I
> have
> "wearing off"  periods - so I have to try something new.
> This disease is so insidious.  My doctor is out of town, so I have to
> make
> the big decision.  Should I start or should I not start?
> Edie Luther - who was in a good mood until she read "Warning Re
> Mirapex."


Middleton, WI
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