

Hi my friends, Elizabeth here.  For years I was the care giver for my
husband.  He had severe arthritis since he was in his twentys and then
developed Myasthenis Gravis and depression to the point where he
attempted to take his own life.  I lost him when he was 59 to a cerebral
hemmorage within a weeks time.  I met a wonderful man who cared for his
wife who suffered with bone cancer for 4 years.  He was her only CG.
The purpose of this is this, I know how very difficult it is to be a
caregiver especially when you are young.  You are capable of living an
active life but you CHOOSE to look after your loved one aand hope you
have done everything in your power to make it better for this person.
Now I am the one who will perhaps need the support that I gave.  I feel
it is not fair to my husband to be faced with the prospect again, but if
all I read is true, this may not be necessary.  I'm affraid I am not
saying this the way I feel, I think the CG's are going to have a special
place in heaven and I will be the first to wipe their feet [ that is if
I get there }.
I pray I haven't offended anyone, it would be so much to the opposite of
what was intended.
Love to you all