

Joe..... Having just spent the better part of two days online with MSN tech
support to rebuild my email system due to the same power outage that you got
caught in, I can REALLY empathize with ya in losting all that email!!!

My ZIP drive blew as did the UPS!  So much for a backup system! <groan>  MSN
tech support WAS excellent AND patient (a mistake, I'm sure!) <grin>

------------------ ATTENTION! BITCHING & MOANING FOLLOWS-----------

WAAAAAAH!!!!  It's SOOOOOO hot out!!   And there's ANTS everywhere, outside
AND inside!  WAAAAAAAAH! <sniffle>

Thanks... I needed that! <grin>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Joe Bruman
Sent:   Thursday, August 07, 1997 1:31 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Lost Messages?

Yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon while I was scanning incoming email,
there was a sudden power dropout all over southern California,
after which my PC acted "funny". Possibly I lost 50 or more
messages to the Parkinsn list or to me directly. Although I don't
always reply to each individual, I do read and much appreciate the
encouragement regarding the Current Science Reviews- if you think
I might have missed your message, please send it again.

As I mentioned recently, since access to Medline via PubMed is now
free, anyone with www capability can do virtually the same thing I
now do by visits to a 'paper' library. However I realized from my
own experience that many either lack www capability or find it too
burdensome to use. My daughter who is a librarian agrees that
looking up anything electronically takes about 10 times as long as
flipping to the page in a printed journal. So I'll stick to the
email medium, as long as enough people want it. Cheers,
