

At 02:20 PM 8/1/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear List-friends... I found the following interesting (and have always
>thought that male brain cells were kinda a mystery, anyway!) <grinning,
>ducking & running>
>Barb Mallut
>[log in to unmask]
>Male Brain Cells a Mystery
<---- snip ---->
>The researchers found that the average number of brain cells in men was 23
>billion while the female average was about 19 billion.
>Reporting their findings in the Journal of Comparative Neurology, Pakkenberg
>said she was very surprised by the results and is not sure what they mean.
>"Right now it is a mystery," she said. "The knowledge we already have shows
>men are not smarter than women. The average IQ score comes out the same in
>males and females."
Hmmmmmmm, maybe the reason the function of those extra male brain cells is
unknown is because the researcher is only 4 billion brain cells short.   :-})