


> Joao,
> >> I like having an engineer on the staff, and I'm keeping him."
> >> God says, "Send him back up  here or I'll sue."  Satan laughs
> >> uproariously and answers,
> >> "Yeah, right.  And just where are YOU going to get a lawyer?"
> >>Satan had better not get too cocky. Stephan S. is a pretty clever
> guy
> >>and will probably be able to get through the pearly gates as a PD
> >>researcher. From his posts, one would think he is an M.D. rather
> than a PRHD (Piled >>Really High and Deep).    :-)<<
> Phil G.

 Greetings tovarich!
MY WEEK SO FAR:  At home,  my son has been installing the hardware for a
new PC [scanner, cd-rom, portable hard drive, fax-modem, six cylindar
overhead cam, dual quads, positraction, I THINK I'M LOSING MY TRAIN OF
THOUGHT] anyway, and at work I've been busy with Udall bill publicity .
. . so I haven't been keeping up on the list.  I finally get some access
time on the new ergonomic, four-wheel drive, uh. . . . keyboard [my
son's at work this a.m. and my daughter-visiting from college-is asleep
(that's another whole story!)]  minding my own business. . . . and what
greets me? . . . your compliment(?)  Reminds me of what Uncle Miltie
once said: "What's the difference between G-d and a lawyer?  G-d never
thinks he's a lawyer."  Oops, the new 500x cd-rom needs oil!!  Gotta'
Stephan, PRHD, 53/7