

Dale Williams wrote:
> I recall reading somewhere along the line that chocolate should not be
> eaten by those on Eldepryl.  Unfortunately I have no documentation to
> support this statement. In view of the recent "chocolate is good" comments
> on this list, I am wondering if there are any reports one might have
> available in regard to whether or not chocolate is a no-no for Eldepryl
> users.  Thanks.
> Dale Williams
> [log in to unmask]

 hello Dale and group

I am new to the list. let me tell you about myself.  I have had
Parkinson's disease since 1990. i was not diagnosed until 1992.  I am 45
years of age.  The disease has progressed very rapidly.  I take sinnemet
C. R. perMax and Regular  sinnemet.  I have a lot of fluctuations
alternating between freezing and dyskinesia.  I go to the movement
disorders center at emory university and am treated by Dr. Mahlon

Now to your question about eldopryl. Eldopryl is a type b  MAO
inhibitor.  there is another type of the MAO inhibitor than in used in
the treatment of depression. these are the type a inhibitors  such as
nardil. people who take those type adrugs have to be very careful about
diet and a have to avoid things such as chocolate and beer.  It is
understanding that the dietary restrictions are not necessary  for the
type a drugs like eldopryl.

While we are on the subject of chocolate I wonder if any of you have a
severe craving for sweets?  It seems like all i want is junk food and
sweets.  My mother has parkinson's and she has the same problem.  I
asked my doctor about it and he said that there were something about the
disease which causes us to crave carbohydrates.  I use to lose weight
eating line that and actually lost 40 pounds from the time I was
diagnosed until February when 1 quit smoking. since then I gained back
most of it. recently I've seen research results would suggest that
nicotine decreases the progression of parkinson's.  Maybe i should take
up smoking and lose the weight and  slow down. lol. come to think of it
i only know  one other person beside myself with Parkinson's who has a
weight problem. sure is a rough way to lose weight.

More later,