

hi john [again]

>re: Responce to Patrica re: hope and fear
>Patrica, to paraphrase one of Shakespear's characters (beats me which one):
>"Is it better to have tried and failed, than never have tried at all?".  I
>view my condition as a "road less traveled by".  While I may not have
>chosen to travel this road, now that I am on it, I am going to try to make
>it as interesting as possible.

i think it's interesting that we all want to feel in control
[especially me!]
that we make choices that we and 'we alone' have 'power' over

i'm starting to learn that i have no control at all
that the struggle for control is shadow-boxing
that the tour guide is driving this bus
and won't let me peek at the map

i'm starting to learn that all i need to do
is look out the windows at the wonders

your syber sis


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