

Hi everyone, Elizabeth here,  Every night I sit at my PC and visit with
my new found friends. This is one of the highlites of my days,with each
mailing I get to know you all a little more.  But also more and more I
am beginning to feel that I have no business even telling my friends
that I have PD.  I have very little tremmor which is my only symptom
that anyone else could see.  The only real problem is my great
difficulty in sleeping.  I am affraid I am giving  the wrong impression
of what PD really is.  Here again I am affraid I am not relating how I
feel about this.  Perhaps it is that I hope if and when I reach the
stage which so many of you are in I will have that attitude that it is
the road that was given to me and with the help of God and my new found
friends I pray I follow it as graciously and humbly as you. I love you
Keep smiling