

In a message dated 97-07-29 15:11:52 EDT, Sue wrote:

<<   Sue Maltais <[log in to unmask]> 07/29/97 09:01am
 >>>I have a Dad's been getting blood in his urine.  The
urologist said all tests came back fine.  He read in one of his PD books that
this can be a side effect of the levadopa.  Anyone else heard of this?<<<  >>

Did the urologist check for stones in the bladder (not kidneys).  These will
easily harbor pathogenic bacteria and even after treatment with
antibacterials,  infections with accompanying blood in the urine will recur
again and again.  And that is because the bacteria can hide within the stones
and not be totally eradicated.  X-rays is likely the diagnostic device of
choice.  Good luck

Michel Margosis