

hi trish

you said:

> Thanks Janet! I'm going to copy this one and pass it along
> to my teaching colleagues! This may be a reason why our
> students don't retain as much as we teach them!

i am glad that you found it useful, trish!

sometimes i wonder
if the real miracle sometimes gets overlooked
in the volume of all the news that's churning out these days

the real miracle [imho]
being our ability to map the living brain

after centuries
of theorizing about brain function
from information based on autopsies,
the effects of brain tumour and injuries,
or extrapolations from tests on laboratory animals,
new technologies have allowed us to learn more
about the workings of our own minds in these past two decades
than in all of previous human history -
and we have just begun.

gloria steinem

with love from your syber sis


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