

This from Camilla and Janet:
>you said:
>>   3.  His neuro, who had read the package insert but had no other experience
>>       with Mirapex refused my suggestion (based on the listmember's posts)
>>       that Sinemet be reduced right away. He wanted to "see how P. does
>>       till next appointment",which isn't until 8/22!  Thus P. was getting a
>>       dose of dopa which may have put him over the top, plus the bladder
>>       infection.  Small wonder he had a problem?
>small wonder indeed!
>in a news article posted recently about mirapex/pramipexole,
>the anticipated reduction in levodopa requirement was 27 percent!
>if peter's levodopa dosage was not reduced,
>i think that might qualify as a strong likelihood for levodopa overdose!

Thanks for that article Janet...I just started my third week on Mirapex on
Wednesday, and I have been miserable. The diskynesia has been horrible, and
I have been unable to sit up straight or hold my body normally at all. I was
thinking of cutting back on the Mirapex, as I saw it as the obvious culprit.

Instead I think I will reduce my sinemet by 27% or so   ;)    and see how
that works. That was my goal after all, reducing sinemet.

Sometimes it's really hard to see the forest for the trees, especially when
you're standing in the middle of it.

Kathie Tollifson
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