

hi kathie

you said:
>I have not asked Ron's neuro, who happens to also be my neuro,
>about the timing of the Eldepryl yet. The Home Health nurse
>and I discussed it, her opinion was that it would not adversely
>affect his sleep when combined with Olanzepine, which I
>guess will knock him out.

i don't know if you get messages by regular e-mail or by digest,
but i wanted to let you know that i just posted a big message
summarizing current info about selegiline/eldepryl/deprenyl

all sources that i have come across mentioning eldepryl dosage
are very clear about the timing being no later than noon

if the home health nurse is not familiar with pd,
i'm afraid i would take her opinion  with a grain of salt

ron's pharmacist could be an invaluable resource right now
who could give you and ron's brother
a detailed run-down of his current med usage,
as purchased, not as prescribed.
seems to me this is critical.

and like i said in my earlier message
the two night meds, the olanzepine and the eldepryl,
[like taking 'downers' and 'uppers' at the same time]
seem to me like a dangerous combination for anyone
let alone someone with a neurological chemical imbalance

>Also, as noted, the washout period for Eldepryl is so long,
>what purpose is served by staggering the dose?

i believe that the point was made that the washout period
***in the body***
is only a few hours,
which would probably explain the 'speed' effect

however, the half-life
***in the brain*** is much longer
and may even have something to do with the long-term benefits
attributed to eldepryl

>Your point about his meds actually being the problem
>has a lot of merit, especially in that they may be
>contributing to a serious sleep disorder, which is
>definitely aggravating a paranoid tendency.

as ron vetter pointed out
sleep deprivation has been used as a very effective means of torture.
that 'paranoid tendency' may not even be the 'real ron'.
as a matter of interest,
could you find out how long he has been taking eldepryl this way?
e.g. from his pharmacist?

>It has been hard to accept, but no matter what the root of
>these problems, they will not be corrected until he is in
>a controlled and supervised situation.

i agree, but ...

i cannot presume to advise you in this difficult situation, kathie
but if i encountered this kind of situation myself
i would stop the eldepryl at night immediately
so as not to keep adding to the problem
and i would hope someone would do the same for me
if i were in ron's situation

>I have stressed to his brother that the place that he chooses for
>Ron in Dallas must be PD-savvy, or he is doomed.

very good advice

>Ron has asked me "Is there a chance I will get better?"

for whatever it's worth
i feel quite strongly that his problem is related to the eldepryl
and was glad to see other cyber-siblings agreeing with this
my answer to ron would be
"is the pope Polish?"

i don't mean to be a pest about this, kathie
but i keep thinking "this could be me - i live alone"
brain chemistry - whew

ron is very lucky to have you as a friend
[and you're both unlucky? to have me as a nag!]

with love from your syber-sis


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