

hi again Kathie

you said:
>Thanks for that article Janet
>I just started my third week on Mirapex on Wednesday, and I
>have been miserable. The diskynesia has been horrible,
>and I have been unable to sit up straight or hold my body
>normally at all. I was thinking of cutting back on the
>Mirapex, as I saw it as the obvious culprit. Instead
>I think I will reduce my sinemet by 27% or so   ;)
>and see how that works. That was my goal after all,
>reducing sinemet.

for whatever it's worth, i believe that dyskinesia
is the classic first sign of levodopa overdose

i'm glad you found the article useful

i get really frustrated when i see/hear about
so much misinformation being tossed about

we really have to be our own strongest advocates
both for ourselves or for each other

we have a resource here in this list
that i would venture to say is unmatched in the world

with love from your syber-sis


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