

Cindy - Wow - your father is one strong guy!  Are the speech therapy/pathology people working with him, as well as testing him?  How do they assess his prognosis?  My Dad (it's Mom who has PD) had multiple surgeries after a hip replacement at about the same age as your father and also had swallowing difficulties (had a lot to do with being on a ventilator for a long time, I think -- don't let 'em do that, ask for a trach).  He just seemed to lose the reflex.  When he was up to it, they tried swallowing therapy; that's how I know it exists!  Also, we have a foster granddaughter who was born drug-exposed and doesn't swallow correctly; she's on a feeding tube but the docs seem to think that training will allow her to get off (she's just 12 mos. old now.)  A fighting spirit means a lot, too.  Good luck - we'll be thinking of y'all.   Mary

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cg for Mom, Louise (76/6) (born & raised in Port Arthur, TX)