

Kathie, you asked,

>Or is this a classic psychiactric problem? Paranoid psychosis? Ron has
>become extremely obsessive, counting the threads in his socks, going into
>elaborate stories about the hidden meanings of the colors of his pills.
>Or is this simply the  effects of long-term sinemet use? Can some of the
>care-givers comment on this? Is this paranoid/delusional state common to the
>more advanced PWP's?

Of all the PWP we've known, including people who have been on Sinemet for 20
years, we've never known anyone who evidenced the obsessive state you
describe, or the paranoia.  Hallucinations are not uncommon in the later
years of PD, particularly in older patients, but many times those are fairly
benign.  Other times, of course, the hallucinations take a more frightening
or threatening form.

At Ron's age and after his shorter period of time on Sinemet, his symptoms
are highly unusual.  I'd be more likely to attribute them to underlying
psychiatric problems.  As others have said, it's clear that Ron shouldn't
live alone or self-administer his meds.

You're a good friend to Ron, and we wish you both the best as you look for
solutions to his situation.  Margie Swindler, cg for Dick, 52/15
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