

SENATE Labor & Human Resources Committee

10 Republicans
Dan Coats, IN
Judd Gregg, NH
Bill Frist, TN
Mike DeWine, OH - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Mike Enzi, WY**
Tim Hutchinson, AR** - Thank him for cosponsoring & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Susan Collins, ME** - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
John Warner, VA* - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Mitch McConnell, KY* - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help
pass Udall bill.

8 Democrats
Edward Kennedy, MA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Christopher Dodd, CT - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help
pass Udall bill.
Tom Harkin, IA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Barbara Mikulski, MD - Thank her for being a cosponsor & urge him to help
pass Udall bill.
Jeff Bingaman, NM*- Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Paul Wellstone, MN - Thank him for Sponsoring the Udall bill & encourage him
to continue to help pass it.
Patty Murray, WA* - Thank her for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Jack Reed, RI - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass Udall

Is your Senator listed here?  If so, thank the cosponsors and urge them all
to help pass the Udall bill!
* New to Committee in the 105th Congress
**Newly elected to the 105th Congress
To mail:
The Honorable_________________
United States Senate
Washington DC, 20510

To call:
Parkinson's Action Network
818 College Ave., Suite C
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
707-544-1994 phone
707-544-2363 fax

Washington, DC

email:  [log in to unmask]
DC email:  [log in to unmask]