

HOUSE Commerce  Committee
28 Republicans
Thomas Bliley, VA chairman
Bill Tauzin, LA
Mike Oxley, OH - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Michael Bilirakis, FL
Dan Schaefer, FL
Joe Barton, TX
Dennis Hastert, IL
Fred Upton, MI - Thank him for Sponsoring the Udall bill & encourage him to
continue to help pass it.
Cliff Stearns, FL
Bill Paxon, NY
Paul Gillmor, OH - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Scott Klug, WI - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
James Greenwood, PA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Michael Crapo, ID
Christopher Cox, CA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Nathan Deal, GA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Steve Largent, OK*
Richard Burr, NC - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Brian Bilbray, CA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Ed Whitfield, KY - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Greg Ganske, IA
Charlie Norwood, GA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Rick White, WA
Tom Coburn, OK - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Rick Lazio, NY*
Barbara Cubin, WY*
James Rogan, CA** - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
John Shimkus, IL**

23 Democrats
John Dingell, MI - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Henry Waxman, CA - Thank him for Sponsoring the Udall bill & encourage him to
continue to help pass it.
Edward Markey, MA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Ralph Hall, TX
Rick Boucher,VA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Thomas Manton, NY
Edolphus Towns, NY - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Frank Pallone, NJ - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Sherrod Brown, OH - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Bart Gordon, TN - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Elizabeth Furse, OR - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Peter Deutsch, FL - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Bobby Rush, IL - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Anna Eshoo, CA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Ron Klink, PA - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass Udall
Bart Stupak, MI - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Eliot Engel, NY - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Thomas Sawyer, OH* - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Albert Wynn, MD* - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Gene Green, TX* - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help pass
Udall bill.
Karen McCarthy, MO*
Ted Strickland, OH** - Thank him for being a cosponsor & urge him to help
pass Udall bill.
Diana DeGette, CO**

HOW TO CONTACT Representatives-
To mail:
The Honorable_________________
House of Representatives
Washington DC, 20515

To call:
Parkinson's Action Network
818 College Ave., Suite C
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
707-544-1994 phone
707-544-2363 fax

Washington, DC

email:  [log in to unmask]
DC email:  [log in to unmask]