

>Wondering if anyone else has noticed weight loss with PD.  Don who has
>always maintained around 170 pounds informed me this morning that he is down
>to 158.  I think part of it is due to the extra long hours and hard work he
>has been putting in on our ranch.  He has always in the past lost weight in
>the summer, but nothing like this.  Would  appreciate any imput you
>wonderful folks might have.
>Nancy B cg for Don 63/13 from Montana


I am naturally fairly lean but before pd used to get paunchy unless I took
care of my diet.The upside of pd is that I now eat as much as I like without
putting on weight even 'though I am not nearly as physically active as I
used to be.On those occasions when I am forced into a lot of physical
activity on the ranch (farm here in the UK } I can rapidly slide from 182 to
177 in a few days.Unfortunately weight goes off the face and people then say
how  dreadfully ill I look and I get sent off to the doctor for a check up
just in case I've got cancer or something worse.

There has been quite a lot of discussion about weight loss on this list and
amongst the theories put forward that I recall are;

If you have tremor a lot of energy is used up { your body has it's own built
in work out bike}

If you are stiff and slow extra energy is expended in doing ordinary jobs so
everything becomes a marathon.

If you have reached the stage where Dyskinesia is a problem the associated
movements burn up  calories.

You've lost your sense of smell' food is not appetising  so you are eating less.

In some mysterious way the movement of the gut is affected by pd and
absorption of nutritious stuff is reduced.

The weight loss is a side effect of one of the pills you are taking.

Your bathroom scales are faulty or  not accurate when you are doing a tango
on them with restless legs.

You are not having enough sex.

You can take your pick but clearly if weight loss is persistent you should
slip along to the doc for a check up in case there is some other problem.

All the best

David Langridge                               >