


I have received several personal e-mail notes to take to the conference.
This note is being repeated to give anyone a second chance to respond,
especially if the delete icon was hit too often or too fast.

These are not open meetings. They are for APDA local leaders and
Information and Referral Coordinators. We are expected to take what we
learn back to our individual chapters/support groups.  Information flows
both up and down the chain of authority/hierarchy so it is a learning for
all attendees.

The American Parkinson Disease Association will hold its usually biennial
conference for its chapter presidents and its Information and Referral
Center coordinators in Nashville, Tennessee, August 14, 15, and 16.  I will
attend as the president of the Delmarva Chapter.

All of us who are subscribers to this listserv have a very vital interest
in Parkinson's disease.  Some of us are "APDA people." Some are "NPF
people." Some are affiliated with Parkinson's disease groups in Canada,
Europe, Australia, Asia, or Africa. Others may be "PDF people," "UPF
people," members of independent Parkinson's groups, or individuals
unaffiliated with any organized group.  No matter which group or no group
you belong to, your interest is the same as mine.

If you have a message you want to go to the APDA conference, let me know,
and I will take it to Nashville and share it with other APDA chapter
leaders and Information and Referral Center coordinators.  This will
probably be the largest gathering of Parkinson's disease people since 1994
and until 1999.

Will Johnston
President Delmrva Chapter
4049 Oakland School Road
Salisbury, Maryland 21804

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