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David Moreland wrote:

> Listers,
> I am 54/10 and am having this problem of getting very drowsey during
> meetings at work when it is very important for me to stay alert. I
> think it
> is the Sinemet which causes the drowsiness. What can I do to overcome
> or
> combat this tendency?

My PD symptons are a slight tremor in my right hand and right foot,
these are annoytng but hardly noticeable by others. However, I have a
real problem with drowsiness every day about noon. I call it 'fatigue'
because if I don't take a 30-45 minute nap I just drag around until 4
or 5 PM. My other problems are drooling , mild depression and insomnia.
The only PD medication I take is 2- 50/200
Dinemet CR (1/2 four times per day). I have trouble decididing if it is
the Sinemet or the insomnia, or both. I plan on talking it over with my
Neuro ( Dr Abe Lieberman ) on my visit next month, if he has a solution
I'll post it to the list,

Bob 64/2

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