

Hi Andre-
Thank you for your offer to help us to pass the Morris Udall Bill for
Parkinson's Disease Research S.535 & H.R.1260.

I have always encouraged ANYONE -no matter where they live- who will benefit
from Parkinson disease Research, to contact Washington DC. and let their
needs be known.

What better way to let the United States government know that their decisions
effect people who are suffering from disease-all over the world- not just
their constituents, then by writing and calling from afar.

Last year a list member from Austrailia called a congressional office in
Washington DC and said , "All eyes are upon you, waiting to see what the U.S.
does to help their citizens with Parkinson's disease."  She told me that the
office was very courteous and VERY willing to listen.

Perhaps in your contact with our leaders you could say, "Please allow me to
help your constituents.  I respectfully request that you do whatever is
necessary to move the Udall Bill S.535 & H.R.1260 to the floor for hearings
and a vote."

The following 4 Sponsors of the Udall bill need to know that our support for
what they are doing is strong and worldwide .

Please write or call:
Ms. Sonya Sotak
Office of the Honorable John McCain
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

email [log in to unmask]
fax     202-228-2862
phone  202-224-2235
Ms. Linda Degutis
Office of the Honorable Paul Wellstone
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

email [log in to unmask]
fax        202-224-8438
phone    202-224-5641
The Honorable Fred Upton
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

email [log in to unmask]
fax        202-225-4986
phone     202-225-3761
The Honorable Henry Waxman
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

fax         202-225-4099
phone     202-225-3976
Let me know if you want more information about how to help with the Udall