

Barb -

I am in my second week of mirapex.  I was weaned off Parlodel.  The first
three days, I was taking 5 mg. of Parlodel with 0.l25  of Mirapex three times
a day.  I felt so lousy, that the fourth  day I reduced my Parlodel to 2-l/2
mg for two days. I felt better after that.  I am now in my second day of
taking  two   0.l25 mg. of Mirapex three times a day and 50/200 of Sinemet
four times a day and no Parlodel. I have not felt that I need to reduce my
 Sinemet.  Am I taking a lower dose of Sinemet than you?  Or am I to look
forward to some side effects this week?  My problems are not dyskinsia, but
rather rigidity and slowness in movement.  I seemed to have improved
slightly. Edie Luther