


Thanks for the dig.  We are as a species a paradox.Amen.  But I would never
say "waiting for worse days!"

Here's a view of things as they seem to be

Status Report

As a species, we are,
like Kipling's small elephant,
"ineffably curious,"
and also, like Miss Piggy,
greedy for praise and forever fishing
for our next compliment.

We study the past in the
vain and contradictory hope
of proving that we have descended
from a race of heroes,
and also that we are
superior to those who came before us.

We want to be
both noble and commoner,
both high-born and self-made.

We then write history books
which by assuming that which was to be proved
not surprisingly prove that which was assumed,
and we believe them
without a trace of conscious self-deceit .

For the moment at least,
we can consider our species as being
The Greatest Show on Earth,
the largest troupe of
high-wire artists,
clowns, and
side-show barkers
ever assembled.

We should not be complacent, however;
nothing is harder to maintain than
prize-winning mediocrity.
Any damnfool can earn that crown of weeds.

Copyright   G.M. Andes  July 1997

George  63/15 and still writing