

Dennis G....

(Yawning) <grin>  I'm not taking Mirapex yet 'cause it won't be on my HMO's
formulary for another coupla weeks, so that's not the cause of the daily
drowsiness.  Also, since my pallidotomy, I really don't have on/off times in
the traditional sense (thank God!).

It sure can't hurt to have a thyroid test tho, and I'll make a point of
getting one and will report back to the List if that turns out to be the cause
of the problem.

My gut feeling tho, Dennis, is that this IS somehow PD related, and not
necessarily due to any of the PD drugs.  I'm inclined to think it's part and
parcel of whatever's going on in our respective brains.

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Dennis Greene
Sent:   Monday, August 18, 1997 6:48 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: drowsiness/possible causes

Dear sleepyheads,

Reading the range of responses to this thread I suspect that
the causes of the episodes of drowsiness reported are in fact
very different.  Possible  causes are:

1.      Those experiencing drowsiness since commencing
        mirapex may be experiencing the drowsiness associated
        with moving from 'off' to 'on'. In this case the desire
        to sleep is triggered by the body relaxing in response
        to the medication.  This reaction has been discussed
        on this list at some length. Perhaps those with a good
        response to mirapex are truelly relaxing for the 1st time
        in years.  Chewing gum has been mentioned as a means
        of staying awake.

2.      Those experiencing drowsines at a specific time, especially
        if it is in in the late afternoon should consider asking their
        doctor for a thyroid test. For many years my wife would nod
        of on the sofa at 4pm every afternoon. It was even dubbed
        her '4 o'clock special'.  Since commencing thyroxin some
        years ago the problem has vanished.

3.      Those experiencing drowsiness immediately after lunch may
        need to take their PD meds 30 mins or so before eating.


Dennis Greene 47/10
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