

Hi cyber-sis

> i do believe that you've put your own 'spin' on my words

I do believe you are right.  Don't you love words, they twist
and turn and take on a life their own.

> >no point in waiting, george
> >all you get is what you've got!!!

I must have been misled  by that future tense 'get' which
carried the implication that all you will have in the future is
what you have 'got' now.

As you quite rightly say, we must live in the now we have
or never live at all, but that doesn't mean we have to accept
that 'this is as good as it gets'.

> if pd is the 'only thing of significance'
> in our lives at this present moment
> then that is a choice
> we have made

Agreed, but I would consider it a poor one.  One of the
ways I deal with my PD is to never conceed that it is the
most significant thing in my life.  It is often the thing which
is taking up most of my time, but I choose to see that as not
the same thing.  Choices can get quite subtle, and need to
be made at many levels.

> personally because i have this strange notion of pd being
>a gift i admit it's pretty significant to me but maybe as a signpost

Not so strange Janet, many of us feel that way, and were
discussing it here only a couple of weeks ago. Speaking
for myself I see PD as a gift because it opened me up to
self awareness and fueled my spiritual growth. that makes it
significant in my life, but not paramount.
