

To JH, Barb M, et al:  Someone has to do what the newscaster in Network did,
and say "I'm MAD AS HELL And I'm NOT going to TAKE it anymore! "  We need to
give sensitivity training to anyone who thinks they are too important to act
like a human being. Too many people are so  greedy and selfish, they think
only of themselves.  What happened to the ability to see someone less
fortunate, and realize "that poor soul could be ME!"  We are all like little
teabags, suspended from a string, and whenever life decides to drop us into
boiling water, we are cooked!   If the rest of the world would act like  the
folks on this list,  the problems would be solved.  It just takes some human
kindness,  respect for the feelings of others, a willingness to really
listen, maybe giving up other activities to focus on what is really
important.........PEOPLE!    If you want to know what is really important in
life, read the obituaries in the newspaper.  Notice how little importance is
given to material things, and what a person meant to other PEOPLE  defines
the true meaning of a successful life.  Ken B