

dorothy lee wrote:
> I''m Dorothy and my 74 year old husband was
> diagnosed last year with PD.  He was on
> Perman 4x a day and sinemet  25/l00 lx.
> About a month ago, started to have problems
> with the Perman.  Just seemed to lose it's
> kick.  Now he is trying
> eldepryle and sinemet cr 50/200, one of
> each a day but I'm seeing all the side effects
> you good folks have been talking about,
> namely the drowsiness in the afternoons
> (3:50 just about hits it) and then the insomnia
> at night.  We see the neurologist, Dr. Stanton,
> Aug. 25.
> We're in Central New York State, in
> historic (or is it hysteric) Rome.
> Thank you all:-)      Dorothy &  Dick
> P.S. Thanks Barb Patterson

Dear Dorothy:  If you would give me a complete account of all your
husband's medication (including non-PD meds) and the strenghh and time
of administration of each med, I might be able to give you some
suggestions you can talk to the Dr. about.         Jerry Starr, RPh