

Anne Rutherford wrote:
> Hi All,
>  Janet's  reports on tolcapone were  good news
> especially if you are only
> taking  a levodopa/carbidopa  medication.
> However many PWP take in a chemical soup of
> meds.
> I wonder.............Does anyone know what happens if tolcapone
>  meets a dopamine agonist?
> Would that mixture make waves in the chemical soup?
> Perhaps it would dissolve the soup spoon.?
> Anne Rutherford

Dear Anne: Nobody knows for sure until tests are run and/or reports of
adverse effects are reported.  Theorhetically (sp) the tolcapone (COMT
Inhibitor) should make more L-Dopa available to the brain and once in
the brain should make more Dopamine available at the receptors. With
agonists already at the receptors the probable result would be Dopamine
toxicity   (IE-dyskinesias). The L-Dopa dose would likely have to be
reduced, which is the desired result.                      J. Starr