

Ken B....

Ken, m'dear, I've kinda reached the conclusion that individuals who live with
a chronic disease and their loved ones cannot make others be sensitive and
HUMAN to the chronically ill if those people don't acknowledge our existence
unless or until we're shoved in their respective and collective faces.  And
even then, you can see their eyes glaze over and they suddenly are unable to
comprehend the language you both mutually speak no matter HOW carefully you
explain a disease-related issue to them.

I'm blessed with being both articulate and gutsy about speaking up in public
(I know you find THAT hard to believe, huh?) <giggle> when it comes to
educating the ignorant (lotsa physicians in that group!) about PD in general
and what those of us who have it go thru day-by-day.  When I feel REALLY
pushed enough, I DO open up and "educate" someone whom seems to need that
enlightenment (honest - I don't do this to everyone!) <honest!!> (grin)  And
even tho I'm able to say exactly what I mean when speaking to 'em, they just
don't GET it!   Sooo many people do NOT have a clue what the words "chronic,"
and "degenerative" mean, EVEN when followed by the word "disease!"

So Ken, please excuse me if I'm more than a little skeptic about our ability
to enlighten and make sensitive the "masses."

I suspect that IF a HUGE number .... hundreds of thousands... of those living
with a chronic disease or disorder AND their caregivers AND their loved ones
AND their friends marched on Washington - in their multitudes - in their
wheelchairs and on their crutches on a set day at a set time, AND we made
ourselves heard around the world by OTHER like individuals marching upon THEIR
nation's capitols at the same time on the same day..... well THAT might just
make the world sit up and take notice!!!

Wanna march?  Hey... I'M game if YOU are!!!

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of KEn Becker
Sent:   Wednesday, August 13, 1997 11:03 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: FW: drug problems/Response

To JH, Barb M, et al:  Someone has to do what the newscaster in Network did,
and say "I'm MAD AS HELL And I'm NOT going to TAKE it anymore! "  We need to
give sensitivity training to anyone who thinks they are too important to act
like a human being. Too many people are so  greedy and selfish, they think
only of themselves.  What happened to the ability to see someone less
fortunate, and realize "that poor soul could be ME!"  We are all like little
teabags, suspended from a string, and whenever life decides to drop us into
boiling water, we are cooked!   If the rest of the world would act like  the
folks on this list,  the problems would be solved.  It just takes some human
kindness,  respect for the feelings of others, a willingness to really
listen, maybe giving up other activities to focus on what is really
important.........PEOPLE!    If you want to know what is really important in
life, read the obituaries in the newspaper.  Notice how little importance is
given to material things, and what a person meant to other PEOPLE  defines
the true meaning of a successful life.  Ken B