

Jacob -

You wrote:

>In the meantime, I have a question concerning Mirapex. I started on it 2
>weeks ago. When is the soonest I could expect any effects (beneficial-rather
>than just the sleepiness)

It's clear from all the different responses to Mirapex posted here on the
list that everyone reacts to it differently.

Dick responded to the drug within a few hours of taking it.  HIs first
response was negative, in that he had severe dystonia and dyskinesia from it.
 However, on the second day, he cut his Sinemet in half, and immediately
showed tremendous improvement.  We saw even more improvements day by day
during the first two weeks.

As a side note, he forgot to take his midafternoon Mirapex today, and
immediately felt "foggy" and lethargic and depressed, just as he did before
the Mirapex.  He couldn't think why he suddenly felt so awful until he
realized he'd forgotten to take the Mirapex tablet.

It's really puzzling to me that some people are experiencing sleepiness,
while Dick is more awake, alert, and energetic than he has been in maybe ten
years.  He is on the go from morning to night, and I can't keep up with him.
 But what a wonderful change.  One of these days I'll try to write a full
report to the list.

Jacob, I don't know why you haven't seen any effects from the Mirapex at all.
 It sounds to me as if most people are experiencing *some* effect, either
positive or negative.  Are you on .25 mg three times a day now?  It's
possible in your case that you'll have to titrate to an even higher level
before your dopamine receptors are stimulated enough to make a difference.

We wish you luck, both with the Mirapex and with your fund drive.

Margie and Dick Swindler         [log in to unmask]