

Dennis Greene wrote:
> Joe and Charlie,
> Your comments on the accuracy and reliability of web sourced
> information are well made.  Information sourced from other media
> is subject to the same cautions, but I admit it is easier to determine
> the status of a book or magazine/journal. I have strong reservations
> about anything I read in the press.  Through the years there have
> been 4 or 5 occassions when events of which I have detailed first
> hand knowledge have featured in the news. On each occasion the
> facts have been wrongly reported.  On one occasion (admittedly a
> 'human interest' story) the only points where the story and the facts
> touched were the name of the venue, the time of the event and the
> accompanying photograph.  The rest of the story was pure fiction. I
> wish it had been true, it was a damn sight more interesting than what
> actually happened.
> It has long been my practice on encountering a new reference source
> (eg an encyclopedia, on-line or otherwise) to assess its reliability by
> looking up something I already know about.  It is frightning how few pass
> even so simple a test.
> If life is indeed a journey, than every few hundred metres we need to
> put up a "Proceed with Caution" sign.
> Dennis.
> ++++++++++++++++++++
> Dennis Greene 47/10
> [log in to unmask]
> ++++++++++++++++++++
Dennis, I couldn't agree more about reliability of the news media.
whether newspaper, magazine, radio or TV. Don't trust anything less
than a DIRECT quote from a known authority, preferably present in
person. I'm always wryly amused by any of the idiot "anchor" clowns
on TV, even the big names drawing 6-figure salaries, who never
contribute anything beyond inane babble, and often can't even read
their giant cue cards correctly. BTW, did you see the one-line
mention in last week's TIME of a "new" implantable pacemaker device
that offers some help for PD symptoms? Well, duhhh. Cheers,
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013